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For some it could be fulfillment of destiny.

I remember at about the age of 4, my older sister, with parental help, struggling word by word to read her first grade, “See Spot Run,” book. A year and a half older than me, she started school a year before I did. Anguished to tears, she put the book down after 2 or 3 pages. I picked it up and looked at it. The syllables and sounds formed for me effortlessly, and I read the book from cover to cover.

I don’t remember how I learned to read. It seems that words are an expression that was always there for me.

There are many life activities that could get someone to start writing. At an early age we all go to school and one of the first things we are taught is how to write. Everybody has to do it.

But, beyond school -
For many and varied reasons some of us continue to write beyond class room assignments and letters to friends and relatives; or, nowadays, beyond emails and postings on Twitter, instagram or blogs. Some people gather and accumulate information and want to share by writing. For many reasons, including economic rewards, they want to share information, put it out there. This could take it from everyday cultural use to writing as a craft.

Others, involved in creative writing – poetry, novels, stage plays, movies - develop it more as an art form.

Looking for a job at age, 17, I could find nothing… mom and pop grocery stores, dishwasher at a restaurant, hotel laundry worker… total rejection.

Not willing to break down, I said, ‘Fine, I don’t want a job. I’ll be a writer – work for myself!’ I figured that writing the, “all American novel,” was my calling. That didn’t happen.

I had all this, “feeling,” and emotion, but no context in which it could unfold, no story to tell. I said to myself, I will go out in the world and get some experiences, get stuff to write about, then, come back and put my book together. So, I went out. I was able to get a many and varied picture of the human panorama. Sometimes, with a narrow escape.

WHAT MAKES AN AUTHOR? (An author is a person who has a published book)
I am a writer and author because there was nothing else I could be.

People sometimes have an experience that is so remarkable, impacts them so deeply that they just have to write about it. Stuff was in me that was bursting to come out. I was overflowing with emotion that I had to, somehow, diffuse. Otherwise, I might have risked internal damage. The mind refuses to be wasted. An insane asylum might be an ironic attestation to that fact.

Peace of mind is all-important to me. I would say, more important than money. I value physical comfort, but am very adaptable when it comes to the comforts that money provides. I am capable of, “doing without.”

Faith that, “it will be greater later,” gives me the strength to endure hardships of poverty with the confidence that my work will eventually be compensated.

Another element is just the fact that as a street hustler, I put relatively large sums of money in my pocket and at times had a living situation comparable to middle class salaried workers. At least close to that range.

I was able to rise above a low poverty lifestyle to know somewhat higher living standards, then willingly give that up in order to have an artistic, spiritual lifestyle, or just to do what I want to do.

My point is – I have known some of the luxury side of life, enough to not be overwhelmed by or totally driven by the accumulation of wealth. So, I hope you find something you like within my humble offering.


A book of poetry, “Sun Woman,” is dedicated to Earth’s first mother, described in ancient times by King Solomon as, “dark, but comely.” P.Y. Wilkes’ lyric poetry reveals living moments and shows word pictures of the modern mothers and women who birthed the beginnings of science, civilization and culture on planet Earth.

When he first came to Los Angeles, P.Y. Wilkes, lived at a hotel down town, which hosted a variety of residents from street hustlers, artists and business people to a retired postal worker. Other neighborhood residents dropped by on a regular basis for various business and cultural or recreational activities. “The Sun Porch Gallery,” is a novel with a similar hotel setting and characters based loosely on some of the people there, and other situations in P.Y. Wilkes’ life.

As a cinema student at Los Angeles City College, P.Y. Wilkes, heard from professors that, “There are people out there who only go to horror movies. They’re waiting for the next horror feature to come out so they can buy their tickets.”

P.Y. thought, “Audience waiting! Maybe I should try to write a horror movie….” He started writing notes on the scariest thing he could think of; “The Story of Hell,” is the result of that effort.

Demons from the fiery center of the earth who are cannibalistic fire creatures, make it to the earth’s surface where they terrorize humans and take, Teresa, the daughter of Reverend Pound down there for food.

The Reverend must decide whether he will risk his own life going down to, “Gotel,” in an attempt to save his daughter.

A dark skinned inter-galactic traveler lands his space ship in a little racist town in the American South. He is from an advanced planet that has developed technology and moral societies far beyond what Earth has attained, but, is mistaken for a Black Earth man and accused of raping a white woman. He has a chaotic experience trying to escape from confused, angry Southern bigots.

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"The Human Being," is a live stage presentation appropriate for adults or mixed age groups with no profanity, a respectful, entertaining and thoughtful, sometimes funny, theater piece.

An actor onstage who is running for president of his community out-reach group, is possessed by "other-worldly" beings, or angels, who want to examine the level of his mental and spiritual development.

IT IS A ONE-PERSON SHOW that can, alternatively, be performed with children or others (you or your friends) of all performance levels, playing the part of angels.

Please email pywilkes@gmail.com to bring a performance or reading to your theater, church or family room.

“People sometimes have an experience, whether emotional or some social activity, that is so remarkable it impacts them deeply to the extent they just have to write about it.”
- pywilkes@gmail.com